To begin the year in math, we are exploring the variety of math materials that we will be using all year long. We are also beginning to think about good problem solving strategies. Another math concept that we have started on is telling time on an analog clock. Three of our new math vocabulary words are: digital, analog, and o'clock. We have not only been practicing telling time to the hour, but we are also getting better at being able to explain what the hands on an analog clock look like when the time is on the hour (the minute hand is always pointing at the 12). Explaining our thinking is an important part of learning; and we will be working on this throughout the entire year.
Free Explore with Pattern Blocks
"Cover and Count" with Pattern Blocks
How many different ways can you fill each space?
** Thank you to all those who were able to make donations for our classroom! We have cleaning wipes, pencils, tissues, crayons, and more! **