Monday, September 30, 2013

Our Timeline

Where Have We Been?

Mrs. Pelkey's class has just finished up learning some overarching themes in science, including the use of models, scale, and parts that make up a system.  We have also been following the scientific method as a way to answer questions we have about the world around us.

In social studies, we have been reviewing our Core Values, understanding rights and responsibilities, and learning what it means to be a good citizen.

In math, we have been working on ,comparing numbers, counting strategies, double checking, and showing how we solved a problem.  These are all skills that we will need to be good at throughout each grade.

Reading instruction has been focused on reading strategies like summarizing, predicting, and re-reading for clarification.  We have also been thinking a lot about the author's purpose, or message, for each text.  We are reviewing words with long and short vowel sounds, as well as words that are "surprise words" because they do not follow the "rules" of their spelling pattern, during Word Work activities. Writing Workshop had us thinking of ways to come up with ideas for writing, focusing on a topic, and adding details.

Where Are We Going?

For October we are going to take a look back into history to learn a little about Christopher Columbus.  We are then going to skip ahead on the time line and look at Pilgrim life.  Focusing on Pilgrims, we will be able to compare the life of a child in the early to mid-1600's to the life of children now. 

Our next science unit will carry us through November as we look at living things and different habitats.  Students will understand how plants and animals depend on each other and the environment in which they live.

In math, we have just begun to take a look at story problems and are sharing strategies for solving story problems.  We begin with visualizing what is actually happening in the story.  We need to figure out what we already know, and what we need to find out.  We have to decide if things are being put together (addition), taken apart (subtraction), or if we need to know "how many more" (still subtraction, or "counting up").

Here are some examples of strategies that we have shared in class so far:


Some Dates to Remember:

Tuesday, October 8: School Picture Day
Monday, October 14: No School - Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 15: No School - Inservice Day

Sunday, September 15, 2013

What's Happening in Science and Math?

How are models like the real objects they represent?

That's the question that students in Mrs. Pelkey's second grade are working on right now.  By the end of September, students will be able to demonstrate how scientists use models to show the parts or movement of the object it represents.

Counting, Combinations, Clocks and Coins!

In math, we are continuing to make sense of the number system; with numbers less than 100.  We are working on two great math habits: double checking your work and showing how you figured out a problem using words, pictures, and/or numbers.  We continue to work on strategies for comparing two numbers (such as the difference between 37 and 19), and are beginning to work on being fluent with addition combinations of plus 1 or 2.

Students are really good at telling time to the hour on an analog clock, and are even becoming more automatic with using the proper vocabulary words (hour hand, minute hand).  We have begun a study on coins; first by making observations of each coin, then by learning the value for each coin and well as coin equivalencies (such as one dime is equal to ten pennies -  or two nickels - or one nickel and five pennies).  

Two math games that help to reinforce our math skills are Collect 25 Cents and Plus 1 or 2 BINGO.  Please ask your child to explain to you how these games are played.

Don't forget --

We are still NWEA testing.  Our testing time this week is Wednesday, September 18 8:45 - 9:45.  Please be sure your child has had plenty of rest and encouragement; and eats a healthy breakfast in preparation.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Testing, Testing...1,2,3

Testing, Testing

NWEA testing is starting the week of September 9.  This is a standardized test that your child will take on the computer.  It is divided into three sections: Math, Reading, and Language Usage.  One section is given each week for the next three weeks.  We can work together to make sure that your child has a positive test-taking experience.

The test dates for Mrs. Pelkey's class are:
Wednesday, September 11
Wednesday, September 18
Wednesday, September 25

* There are make-up times available for those who are absent or who need more time. *

Please make sure that your child gets a good night's rest, has a healthy breakfast, and arrives to school on time for the days of testing.  Encourage your child to do their best.

In the past, students have enjoyed receiving an encouraging note from their family on each day of the test.  If this is something that you would like to do, simply place the note in an envelope labeled for your child, and place it in his or her Home Folder the morning of the test.


If you are anything like me, sometimes you have the TV on, but you're not really watching it.  Maybe you're distracted with getting dinner on the table, throwing in another load of laundry, or letting the dog out.  And in.  And out.

So I vaguely remember hearing some lady on TV saying, "You only have to tell me 4 times!", but never really noticed what the commercial was for.  Imagine my excitement when I start to notice (on specially marked packages) 4 Box Tops for Education on one package! Have you seen these?!?

Collecting Box Tops is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. Snip.
2. Send in to school.
3. Earn cash for your child's school!

And we are in competition, families!  Each classroom competes with the others to see who collects the most Box Tops throughout the year.  Winning classrooms receive an extra cash bonus!  This money can go toward classroom books, materials for special projects, and other classroom supplies.  What an easy way to support Center Drive School!