It's that busy time of the year when there are so many things filling our schedule! I will do my best to keep you posted through this Blog. Please check out the following dates and mark your calendars!
Dates to Know:
Friday, May 23 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher In Service Day
Monday, May 26 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Friday, May 30 - 1:00 pm - K-4 Spring Concert
Tuesday, June 3 - FIELD TRIP - Abbe Museum
A letter and volunteer sign-up went home. More information to come.
Thursday, June 5 - FIELD TRIP - Moose Point (rain date June 6)
Look for more information to come home soon.
Friday, June 13 - FIELD DAY
An information sheet and volunteer sign-up came home today.
Monday, June 16 - Last Day of School - Noon Dismissal - Reports Cards