Thursday, May 29, 2014

Puppet Show

Today the entire school was treated to a puppet show by a group called the Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers.  They performed an adaptation of the Headless Horseman, including lots of humor and modern music.  We had the opportunity for a question and answer session after the show, and learned some of their behind-the-scenes tricks.
Thank you to Mrs. Kathy Johnson for bringing the puppeteers to our school!

Also, thank you to Center Drive School PTG for funding this fantastic show!

A fun time was had by all!!!

Hot Lunch May 30

The lunch menu for Friday, May 30 says "Cook's Choice".  For planning purposes, I have found out that 
Choice #1 will be baked ham and 
Choice #2 will be pulled pork sandwich.

Bon Appetit!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dates to Know

It's that busy time of the year when there are so many things filling our schedule!  I will do my best to keep you posted through this Blog.  Please check out the following dates and mark your calendars!

Dates to Know:

Friday, May 23 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher In Service Day
Monday, May 26 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Friday, May 30 - 1:00 pm - K-4 Spring Concert
Tuesday, June 3 - FIELD TRIP - Abbe Museum
A letter and volunteer sign-up went home.  More information to come.
Thursday, June 5 - FIELD TRIP - Moose Point (rain date June 6)
Look for more information to come home soon.
Friday, June 13 - FIELD DAY 
An information sheet and volunteer sign-up came home today.
Monday, June 16 - Last Day of School - Noon Dismissal - Reports Cards 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Field Trip

Abbe Museum Field Trip

On Tuesday, June 3 Mrs. Pelkey, Mrs. Lent, and Mrs. Wright's classes will be going on a field trip to the Abbe Museum in Bar Harbor.  This trip will reinforce our Maine Native American studies through the use of traditional story telling and art, and possibly a scavenger hunt.  

Volunteers are needed and welcome!  All volunteers must have filled out the paper work and attended a volunteer training this school year.  Please check with the office if you are unsure about your volunteer status.  Volunteers will also be asked to provide their own transportation (carpooling is encouraged), however students will be required to ride the bus.
More information on what to expect for the day, as well as a sign up form for volunteers, will come home next week.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Book Order, Fractions, and Thank You!

Book Orders

Book Order forms went home at the beginning of the week.  There is no due date written on them!  Book Orders are due Tuesday, May 13.  This will be the last Book Order that I send home for the school year.


We have been working hard in our classroom exploring fractions.  Students have been working with half, thirds, and quarters of an object or a set of objects.  We have learned that fractions are equal parts of a whole.

Working on proving that quarters of the same size paper, in different shapes, are the same size:

Thank You!

This week was Teacher Appreciation week.  A big "Thank you" goes out to the Center Drive School PTG and parent volunteers who worked so hard to provide staff with a breakfast, lunch, and other tokens of appreciation.  Also, "Thank you" to the families of my classroom who go above and beyond to show support for your child's education.  I appreciate all that you do for me and the school!