Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine Celebration

Our classroom Valentine celebration was a huge success!  We had a card exchange, special (and healthy!) snacks, played some Valentine games, and even wrote letters of kindness.  

Thank you to all families who supported their children in creating Valentines for the class, thank you to those who were able to donate items for our snack, and thank you for all of the Valentines and treats that I received!

Also, a big thank you to Mrs. Ramos and Mrs. Lester, who were brave enough to stay in the classroom and help out with the celebration!

I hope you all have a fun vacation time and manage to stay warm!

Some of delicious snacks.

A "Minute to Win It" game with candy hearts.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

100th Day of School

On Wednesday, February 11 we celebrated the 100th Day of School.  Students in our class created "100 Day" books, highlighting things like what they would eat 100 of, what they would buy with $100, and what they wish they had 100 of.  They also discovered that they could write 100 words (and more!).  

Math activities included filling in a 100 Chart, playing a game called "Collect $1.00", and making a display that shows 100 Ways to Make 100.

* Don't Forget *

On Friday, February 13 we will have a classroom Valentine celebration, including healthy snacks (thanks for the donations!) and an optional Valentine exchange.

As a reward for meeting our class goal on our behavior clip chart, students are also allowed to bring in a small stuffed animal for the day to join in the celebrating :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February Homework

The snow days have really thrown me off!  I am not sending any homework home this week (February 3 - 6).  I also will not be able to send home the February Reading Calendar and Reading Log until later this week or next week.  Please just continue to read for at least 20 minutes each day (don't worry about keeping track of the titles you read without a Reading Log). 

Also, if you have math facts to work on (from the letter sent home last week), please continue to work on those.