Monday, March 30, 2015

March Update

It was great seeing you all at conferences this month!  The following is an update of what we have been working on in the classroom, and a sneak peek of what's to come:

In math we finished up a unit on number patterns and ratios and have moved into re-visiting the number system as we explore more with place value up to the thousands place.  We have also been learning more efficient strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems with 2- and 3-digit numbers.  We continue to work with coin values and equivalencies, and continue to work on telling time to the fifteen minutes.  Throughout the year, students work on sets of addition or subtraction facts that they need to be fluent in.  A paper went home recently, stating any facts that your child might need to work on.  As we wrap up our current math unit soon, we will begin to work on recognizing and understanding fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, as well as explore equivalent fractions.

In Reading, we just finished up a theme called "Amazing Animals" and have started a new theme which explores a variety of family relationships through both fiction and nonfiction.  We are always reading and talking about our reading, creating quite the literacy-rich community!  One area of reading that we are all working on is comprehension.  This goes beyond being able to summarize a story, as students are challenged to really dig deep with the reading by making predictions, inferences, and develop ideas and understanding about why characters act the way they do. Another way to help with comprehension is when the reader makes connections between what she is currently reading and something that she has read or experienced before.  Bringing background knowledge to a text helps bring about deeper comprehension.

In Writing Workshop we recently finished up a unit on Opinion Writing.  Students used books they have read to help focus their opinions.  Students were challenged to not only form an opinion, but to also state reasons for their opinion and pull evidence from the text that supports their opinion.  We have now moved on to a Poetry unit, where we will be exposed to lots of different types of poetry, share favorites with each other, and try to write our own poetry.

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