Thursday, October 27, 2011

Upcoming Events

A notice on blue paper is coming home Thursday with this same information.

Food Drive Run by Second Grade

As part of a community and Neighborhood unit, our class has been talking about how to be a good citizen.  Some of our ideas have included: cleaning up litter, planting trees, and being nice to neighbors.  Our class, along with Mrs. Lent's class, have decided to run a Food Drive for students in grades PreK - 2.  The second grade students will be in charge of collecting, counting, and graphing the donated foods.  The Food Drive will run from October 31 - November 4.  All donations will be given to a local Food Shelf.

Halloween Party

We will have a classroom Halloween party on Monday, October 31.  We will watch a movie, play games, and enjoy Halloween treats in the afternoon.  (Please still pack a healthy snack for morning snack time.)  We will also have Pajama Day that day!  Please be sure to still have appropriate clothes for outside recess.
Donations for our Halloween Party are welcome!  Please bring in whatever you can.  Later in the year we will have other celebrations where I will be asking for particular items. Please note  that we have 18 students, so whatever you bring, please bring 18 of the same thing.

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