Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fraction Fun and Other News...

We have spent the last few weeks exploring fractions.  Students are learning to identify halves, thirds, and quarters of an area or object, as well as halves, thirds, and quarters of a set.  Students have also learned the terms for a fraction (such as "one half" or "one third") and the notation for the fraction (like 1/2 and 1/3 - except we have been writing them with the numbers stacked and the fraction bar horizontal, not diagonal).  We are using vocabulary such as "numerator" (the number on top of the fraction) and "denominator" (the number on the bottom of the fraction); and understand that fractions are equal parts of an object or group.  Students have also been exploring equivalent fractions (fractions that are equal, such as 1/2 = 2/4), fractions that show more than one part (3/4, 2/3), and mixed numbers (1 1/2, 2 3/4). 
Perhaps the most meaningful activity we did to work with fractions was working with Hershey bars!  Thank you to Mr. Dale for providing the class with edible fractions!

One Whole Hershey Bar

One Half

Another Way to Show One Half

Split Into Quarters, or Fourths

A Different Way to Split Into Quarters - each section is still equal!
More Quarters

One of these pieces is 1/6 of the Hershey bar.

Finding multiple ways to create quarters and thirds of the same area.

Fraction Flags

More Fraction Flags

Science and Social Studies are being integrated throughout our days.  We are finishing up research on weather; and are using our Biography unit to jump into learning about our government - focusing on some important contributions of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, as well as our U.S. Constitution and the voting process. 

Although we have covered the needs of "Living Things" in various parts of the school year, we will also spend more time Fourth Quarter focusing on vertebrates, interdependency of plants and animals, similarities and differences. 

In Writing Workshop, we have been working hard on our Biographies.  Thank you to all those who supported us with our interviews!  These biographies will go through the editing process and end up as published pieces on display. 

Some dates to Remember:

April Book Orders will go home on Friday, April 5.  They will be due Thursday, April 11.  Please be sure to send a check or money order only - not cash.  Last month I ended up writing a check for almost $50 to cover all of the cash orders.  Ordering online is another option (go to; the activation code is FZY46).

NWEA testing for Spring will begin right after vacation.  Our class will test on Mondays, so our test dates are: Monday, April 22, April 29, and May 6.  Please make sure your child is well rested and has had a good breakfast and lunch for the day.

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