Friday, April 25, 2014

Upcoming Happenings

Thank you!

First of all - a BIG thank you to Mrs. Tara Smith for being such a wonderful substitute teacher!  I was out the entire week before vacation, and Mrs. Smith stepped right in to keep things going.
Thank you, Mrs. Smith!

NWEA Testing

Just a reminder that NWEA testing will be taking place the next three weeks.  Please make sure that your child is well rested and has had a relaxing start to the day, including a good breakfast.  One way to help your child feel ready for testing is to send in a short note of encouragement written to your child on the day of testing. This is just a suggestion that many have liked in the past.

Testing dates for Mrs. Pelkey's class are:
Wednesday, April 30
Wednesday, May 7
Wednesday, May 14

Our class will be testing from 8:45 - 9:45 each session.  Although we are assigned a time slot, this is not a timed test.  Your child is encouraged to take his/her time and will be allowed extra time if needed.

What else are we up to?

In math, we are about to begin a unit on fractions.  Our goal is to understand that a fraction is an equal portion of an object or of a set.  For example: one half can mean "one half of a cookie" (an object) or "one half of the class" (a set).  A parent letter with more information on our fraction unit will be sent home this week.

We are just putting the finishing touches on our biographies, which will soon be on display on our hallway bulletin board.  We are also in the middle of writing an informational text.  Using Earth Day as a springboard, students are going through the writing process to inform readers of ways to protect our planet.  We are applying what we know about introductions, examples and details, and conclusions.  We are also using peer conferencing and self-assessment to create a finished piece to be proud of.

Our mapping unit will soon begin to focus specifically on the geography of Maine.  This will help introduce our unit on Maine Native Americans.  In this unit, we will learn about Maine Native Americans of the past and present, as well as explore the use of traditional tales and Wabenaki art.

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