Friday, November 4, 2011

Classroom News

In math, we have just finished up a unit on adding to sums of 20, including adding three or more addends together.  We are about to begin a unit on subtracting within 20.  You can help your child by having them look at the relationship between adding and subtracting.  Using doubles or near doubles, and getting to 10 are also great strategies to figure out subtraction.  For example:  11-8= ?.  Your child can think "8+?=11".  Or 13-6=?.  Your child can think, "I know that 6+6=12, and I need one more, so 13-6 must equal 7."

Our Food Drive is still going strong.  We will continue to collect food (and Mrs. Freeman's class is collecting bottles) until November 10.  A HUGE thank you to those who have donated!  This is entirely a student-run project, and they are doing a great job!  Once the Food Drive is over, we will have more time to explore and experiment with magnets for Science class.

In Writing Workshop, I have been focusing on a different question each month.  We have discussed how to get ideas for our stories, how authors organize their stories, and now we are discussing how to write with voice.  This is a very tricky trait to teach and learn!  When a piece has voice, you can feel the personality of the author.  Think about the difference between your favorite story and an encyclopedia entry.  Most students have by now chosen a piece to get "published", or typed up and put into book format.  They all continue to work through the writing process with writing, revising, and conferencing.  If you think you have time to volunteer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays from 9:30 - 10:00 to work with student authors and help get their stories typed up, please contact me (

Remember there is NO SCHOOL Friday, November 11 (Veteran's Day).

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