Monday, November 14, 2011

Classroom Update

Thank you to all those who were able to donate to the Food Drive!  It was a huge success!  This service project was entirely student run.  From the advertising posters, to the collection, to the loading and unloading of the school bus - our kiddos worked very hard.  And what a difference they made in our community.  I am so proud of all those involved.

Now that we are done with the food drive, we have time to focus on our Magnet Unit.  Students will understand that magnets have poles, opposite poles attract, and same poles repel.  Students will understand a magnetic field, and what kinds of objects are magnetic.  We will use a variety of magnets such as horseshoe magnets and bar magnets.  We have already tried a few experiments, and have more to come. 

In math we continue to work on subtraction, using a variety of strategies.   Our goal is to be able to subtract within 20.  Sharing math strategies, playing math games, and practice drills are some of the ways that we are reaching our goal.  

We are wrapping up our theme of "Nature Walk" in reading.  This week we are comparing the fictional piece Owl Moon with a nonfiction article called Owls.  I am also taking time this week to individually assess each student's reading progress.  In Writing Workshop, we continue to work through the writing process, focusing on "writing with voice" in our mini-lessons.  

I look forward to seeing you all during conferences!

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